Valid Values: HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | TLS | UDP | TCP_UDP. Required: Yes. SslPolicy [HTTPS and TLS listeners] The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported. The following are the possible values:
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and (now deprecated) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are cryptographic protocols meant to secure the communication between computer systems. They are being used to provide an encrypted communication channel over which other clear-text protocols (HTTP, SMTP, POP3, FTP, etc) can be securely used to transmit application specific data. TLS¶ This section is about the default TLS configuration applied to all routers associated with the named entry point. If a TLS section (i.e. any of its fields) is user-defined, then the default configuration does not apply at all. The TLS section is the same as the TLS section on HTTP routers. Valid Values: HTTP | HTTPS | TCP | TLS | UDP | TCP_UDP. Required: Yes. SslPolicy [HTTPS and TLS listeners] The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported. The following are the possible values: The SSL and TLS protocols have traditionally been used to secure streaming traffic. Both of these protocols are based on TCP, which is slow. UDP is the preferred $\begingroup$ @Henrick: I thought DTLS was the UDP variant of TLS (the "TCP" variant). So I'd consider that "next to" TLS/TCP, not "beneath". DTLS is to UDP, what TLS is to TCP: extra upper structure. But at a point, this is probably semantically nitpicking. $\endgroup$ – entrop-x Dec 8 '17 at 14:20 Purpose of this post is to explain how to configure rsyslog server to transmit logs via SSL/TLS. Logs which were transmitted from client to rsyslog server will be encrypted over n/w so that we have additional level security.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and (now deprecated) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) are cryptographic protocols meant to secure the communication between computer systems. They are being used to provide an encrypted communication channel over which other clear-text protocols (HTTP, SMTP, POP3, FTP, etc) can be securely used to transmit application specific data.
Transport Layer Security is a cryptographic protocol that is designed to provide security for communication over the internet between a client and server. It is meant to ensure the safe delivery of data between a client and server, but it does NOT account for security at … Securing the HMC - IBM Jul 09, 2020
ssl - Difference between DTLS and TLS - Stack Overflow
Feb 15, 2018 Optimizing TLS over TCP to reduce latency Jun 10, 2016